MAKE SURE YOU FINISH DIALOGUE WITH ENTER KEY! Attempting to talk to the octopus again by clicking in the middle of the conversation will break the game. All hub dialogue must be completed with enter to populate the Storm Report in the Satellite UI. If you see this after getting the bug just refresh the page. Thanks for playing, we can't wait to show what we can do in the post jam patch :)


In the cove, click to move and interact. On the battlefield, click units to gain control of them and click where you want them to go and they will go as far as their movement stat allows them. Click wait to end the units turn, and enter to end your turn, which starts the friendly and enemy turns before resetting unit movements on your next turn. Get adjacent to enemies to click Attack and then click on the target to see the attack confirmation UI. Defeat all enemies to beat each level, but don't let a friendly unit fall or lose all of your units!

Squall Squabblers by Jay Wiley and Chris McLeod  is our first project either of us have worked on made for Brackeys Game Jam 2024 it will continue to be developed for future release on Steam/Switch (maybe mobile undecided)

Squall Squabblers is an ocean based game where you build a team of unlikely friends to battle back against pollution in your new home. 

You the player as an Otter get swept down into the depths by a storm where you meet a smart new friend who has created a machine to track the storms trajectory but something is happening in the storms wake and he needs your help to investigate. Journey with him and meet new friends while overcoming new challenges to discover what's behind these horrifying ocean disturbances.

What's Missing: 

-Crafting (so close to finishing before deadline)

-PermaDeath is wonky (seems to only happen after completion of level 5)

-Battle Items (tied to crafting)

-UI cleanup

-XP Bars (you can manually check and see them in party menu)

-Level Design (started placing border seaweed but ran out of time)

-Sound Effects/Music

-Dev sleep time


Expect a patch right after jam voting period with these implemented! Comment below with any criticism/advice and let us know if you're interested in seeing what this game could become!


Team building
Fully animated movement & attacks
Rich story-telling
Cute art
Unique interactions between characters

Future Features:

More Robust Crafting
Boss Battles
More units 
More fleshed our story
longer animations
Original Soundtrack
Voice Acting
Team-up Attacks
Unit Naming system (name your own team

Bug Reporting/Donating

There are no bugs in this game only hidden features c:

Updated 12 days ago
Published 13 days ago
TagsAnimals, Funny, Indie, Pixel Art, Team-Based, Tileset, Turn-Based Combat, Turn-based Strategy